7 Ways to Get Permanent Relief from Arthritis Pain

conteIf you have arthritis or are looking to find out about this increasingly common condition, you've come to the right place. Arthritis is a term used to describe joint inflammation, which can cause discomfort, stiffness, and reduced mobility. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, and it affects millions of people worldwide.
After closely observing the suffering of arthritis patients, I was inspired to write this blog about joint pain. My aunt was adversely affected by arthritis. I recently paid her a visit, and she was happy to see me and wanted to speak with me, but she had little energy to do so.
I could see in her eyes that she wanted to talk to me, but her body and mind wouldn't let her. Her body was drained of energy, and she frequently forgot things and fell asleep after short periods of time. When I asked her about her condition and checked her prescription, I discovered she was taking a painkiller for arthritis pain, which was draining her energy and contributing to the further worsening of her condition.
Research shows that around 30-40% of people in India are going to suffer from arthritis pain because of a poor lifestyle. Joint pain is an early symptom of arthritis that, if left untreated, can lead to severe complications. However, there are simple home treatments that can be used to decrease stiffness and inflammation in the early stages. When you have arthritis, it can be difficult to perform even the most basic tasks, such as walking or doing housework. There may be days when you don't feel your best, even if you can get through your day with little to no difficulty.
The good news is that arthritis frequently results from inflammation, so there are some natural methods to ease the discomfort. Continue reading to learn how to pinpoint the source of your arthritis and maintain the vibrant feel of your joints.
What causes Arthritis?
The exact causes of arthritis might vary depending on the type, as it is a complicated condition with many potential causes. The following are some potential arthritis causes:
- Age: The likelihood of acquiring arthritis rises as people age.
- Genetics: Rheumatoid arthritis and other kinds of arthritis are known to have a genetic link.
- Autoimmune illnesses: Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis are two examples of autoimmune disorders in which the immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammation and destruction.
- Infections: Certain infections can cause arthritis pain and joint inflammation.
- Injury: Joint trauma, such as that suffered in a vehicle accident or during sports, can occasionally cause arthritis.
- Obesity: Being obese or overweight can put additional strain on the joints, which can cause arthritis.
- Wear and tear: Over time, arthritis pain can develop as a result of regular joint wear and tear, particularly in weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees.
What are the Symptoms of Arthritis?
When you experience arthritis, you witness extreme pain in bones and joints in your body. While some may choose to ignore this pain, thinking it's just a natural part of the aging process, doing so can have serious consequences in the long run.
Ignoring joint pain can potentially result in problems and more injury. If the pain is not relieved, it may lead to joint swelling and inflammation, which may harm the cartilage and cause bone loss.
Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms of Arthritis!
Joint Pain: The most prevalent sign of arthritis is joint pain, which can range from mild to severe and may get worse when you move.
Joint stiffness: Joint stiffness is a typical sign of arthritis, especially in the morning or after prolonged hours of sitting.
Swelling: Inflammation and swelling in the joints due to arthritis can make them feel warm and painful to the touch.
Decreased range of motion: Arthritis can restrict joint movement, making it challenging to carry out some activities.
Low Energy: A common symptom of arthritis is exhaustion, which may be brought on by pain, inflammation, or other signs or symptoms of the disease.
Home Remedies to Get Relief from Arthritis
- Fix Your Gut

According to the research published by Crohn’s Foundation, 90% of the issues with our bodies begin in the gut. The harmful bacteria in the gut are responsible for arthritis pain and joint pain. If your bowel movements are regular and clear, you can easily prevent acidity, constipation, headache, aches, stress, and anxiety. You should eat more fermented foods like yogurt, and probiotic foods like idli, and dosa because these foods help in the growth of good bacteria in your gut.
You can also download my Arthritis Diet Plan for free. It is a completely Gluten, and GMO-Free and effective diet for getting relief from arthritis.
- Look for Your Blood Sugar Levels
Excessive eating of sugar may make inflammation worse, which is a major contributing factor to many types of arthritis. According to Arthritis Foundation, consuming sugar can cause a process known as glycation, which can result in the release of cytokines, which are pro-inflammatory chemicals. These cytokines may lead to bodily inflammation, which can worsen arthritis symptoms.
If you haven't already, give up sugar as soon as possible if you have signs of arthritis or if it runs in your family. Your aching joints will thank you later!
Also, consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain and being overweight, which can raise the chance of developing arthritis pain and add added burden on the joints.
Substitute Stevia for Sugar. Moreover, stevia benefits diabetics by regulating blood sugar levels. There are no known harmful side effects of stevia. Additional healthy fats like desi ghee or coconut oil can be added since they reduce sugar cravings.
- Switch to Pink Salt

The sodium in table salt or iodized salt may lead to edema and inflammation. Too much salt in our diets can make us retain fluid, which can result in swelling and joint inflammation which can lead to arthritis pain. Excess sodium in the blood can also lower your electrolyte level in the body and lead to symptoms like fast and irregular heartbeat, and tiredness.
Switch to pink salt instead. According to the National Library of Medicine, more than 80 minerals not present in normal salt are claimed to be present in Himalayan pink salt. It is claimed that pink salt contains trace levels of minerals that are absent from sea salt, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron, and zinc. The anti-inflammatory qualities of Himalayan salt can aid in reducing joint inflammation as well as any associated stiffness and arthritis pain.
- Avoid Consuming Lectins
If you don't know why your joints ache, you might be lectin sensitive!
Research published in the National Library of Medicine suggests lectins are proteins that have the ability to bind to carbohydrates and other molecules within the human body. They can be found in a variety of plant-based foods, such as legumes, grains, and vegetables like tomatoes and capsicum. Plants use lectins as a natural defense mechanism to protect themselves from insects and other pests.
In humans, lectins may make a contribution to inflammation and other health issues. When we consume lectins, they can bind to the gut lining and disrupt the digestive system's normal functioning. This can result in inflammation, digestive issues, and other health problems.
The highest concentration of lectins is found in tomatoes, potatoes, capsicum, and brinjal. If you have joint pain or arthritis pain, you should try to avoid these four foods. Cooking reduces the number of lectins, but it does not completely destroy them.
If you can't avoid consuming tomatoes, do so after removing the skin and seeds. After three weeks, gradually incorporate these foods into your diet to see if you are sensitive to them.
- Eat Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-oxidant Rich Foods
An anti-inflammatory diet can help with the chronic pain caused by osteoarthritis or any other type of arthritis by reducing the damage caused by free radicals. An anti-inflammatory diet discourages the consumption of processed foods and encourages the consumption of foods like green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, beans, whole grains, omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like salmon and nuts, and seeds like chia seeds and flax seeds.
Additionally, turmeric can also help in reducing the inflammation caused in the body. Turmeric is not only a passing nutritional trend. It has a long history of use as a potent natural remedy to treat various types of health problems.
Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric also supports the immune system which is crucial for people suffering from autoimmune arthritis as it reduces the severity of the autoimmune reactions which lead to arthritis.
- Make Sure to Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D supports the absorption of calcium, which is required for the formation of strong bones. Too little of this essential nutrient can result in thin, soft, and brittle bones in adults and rickets in children. Vitamin D deficiency is not only common in rheumatoid arthritis patients but it is also associated with chronic pain and a lower both mental and physical quality of life.
Consuming vitamin D-rich foods such as tuna, salmon, and yogurt can aid in vitamin D absorption. Spending a few minutes in the sun is another natural way to increase vitamin D levels. You can also take a vitamin D3 supplement to fulfill your body’s requirements.
- Include Collagen in Your Diet
Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues of the body, including the cartilage that surrounds and supports the joints. According to Springer, our bodies produce less collagen as we age, which can make a contribution to cartilage breakdown and the growth of arthritis.
Collagen supplementation may assist with maintaining joint health and reduce arthritis symptoms. Collagen supplements are generally extracted from animals. Collagen supplements help people with osteoarthritis, a type of arthritis characterized by cartilage breaks - down in the joints, and reduce arthritis pain and stiffness.
In addition, collagen supplements assist with enhancing joint flexibility and motion, which can be helpful to individuals with arthritis.
You should choose Build Joints Back because when collagen is hydrolyzed, it is broken down into small easier to process particles and the body is able to absorb it quickly.
Wrapping it up, we have concluded the following points to ponder.
- Arthritis is a complex and increasingly common disease that causes joint inflammation, irritation, stiffness, and decreased mobility.
- The exact causes of arthritis vary, and many potential factors can cause it to occur, such as age, genetics, autoimmune conditions, infections, injury, obesity, and normal joint wear and tear.
- Fixing gut issues, monitoring blood sugar levels, using pink salt instead of iodized salt, and avoiding lectins are just a few of the helpful tips for arthritis sufferers.
- Collagen supplementation may assist with maintaining joint health and reduce arthritis pain symptoms. While choosing supplements choose one with hydrolyzed collagen as it is easier to absorb by the body.
- Overall, permanent arthritis relief necessitates a diverse approach that includes lifestyle changes, and alternative treatments. It is possible to manage arthritis symptoms and improve one's quality of life by working closely with a healthcare professional and introducing healthy habits. Those suffering from arthritis can find long-term relief and continue to enjoy their favorite activities with time